Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Employee Motivation - Two Words That Employees Appreciate

The bottom line reasons for motivating employees? Improve productivity, enhance loyalty, and ensure retention are some of the reasons commonly cited. What role does employee appreciation have?

In a recent training seminar for Senior Managers, we asked " When was the last time your leader ( President, CEO, CFO) praised your work?

The response was mixed, at best. Many, if not most, couldn't recall the last time they were praised.

Employee Motivation - Two Words That Employees Appreciate

Those who had been recognized for their accomplishments excitedly shared their experiences and feelings of pride and self worth. Imagine, their mentor and coach had taken of their valuable time to single them out for recognition! Most times the recognition was in public. It took the form of a well spoken word at a managerial meeting. Other times it was a well deserved expression of customer satisfaction. Still others a plaque or certificate of achievement.

Whatever the venue, or the words, the praise added a bounce to the manager's step and reinforced their feeling of being wanted and needed by the employer.

The others, and this was the majority of the attendees- those who observed in silence, subsequently shared their envy for those who received recognition. Interestingly, many struggled with the concept of praise. If an individual was doing their job and received a pay increase, that was satisfactory praise.

One of the participants said that "praise" is more important to her as a motivator than money. It reached her "inner soul". She felt more worth as a person not just an employee.

Pay raises and bonuses are essential. But they may can carry the same worth as when we receive money and only money at Christmas. It can feel impersonal. The human connection is minimized or entirely absent. The message of praise isn't delivered. The highest paid, top 10% of performers who you may want to elevated from managers to leaders need to personally hear words of encouragement and praise from their executives.

Praise needs to be timely, specific and genuine. Then the employee knows you take their contributions seriously and sincerely.

Use the phrase "atta boy" often and with sincerity. The results are priceless. Sounds simplistic? Make this a common part of your interpersonal skill set. We all need to wanted, praised, and appreciated. The absence of the "atta boy" is very costly in human as well as bottom line terms.

Employee Motivation - Two Words That Employees Appreciate
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Bob Handwerk
Providing executive and supervisory training for small and midsized business. Group and individual coaching at your location.
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