Saturday, June 9, 2012

How To Win Friends And Influence People In Your Online Network Marketing Business

If you TRULY desire to build a huge online network marketing business then you must learn how to win friends and influence people.

Much of network marketing is building relationships and influencing people to take action. In order to influence your team to duplicate you MUST be a good motivator. This is a learned skill. I'm sure you have heard the phrase, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." This statement is so true in life and especially in network marketing. You can have the best company, the best product and the best compensation plan but if your team member will NOT take action then there is no help for him/her.


I remember back to when I first started in my online network marketing business, I would make the 'huge mistake' of feeling that I had to nurse maid my team. I felt I had to spend a huge amount of my valuable time coaching and trying to get people to take action. I learned the hard way that this simply will not work. You cannot make anyone do anything. They have to want to do it! Meaning, they have to put in the hard work like you did, and study and practice if they want to have success.

How To Win Friends And Influence People In Your Online Network Marketing Business

In order to win friends and influence people in online network marketing you must create VALUE for your prospects. You need to always portray yourself as an AUTHENTIC individual who is an expert in his/her field and you need to position yourself (through your marketing) as that person. The more you do this the more friends you will make.

Instead of focusing on money and how fast you can earn it, focus on serving people and creating value. Focus on helping and giving. MONEY is just a byproduct to how much value I'm creating in the marketplace. The more I give to my team (as far as making my information available for them to learn and grow) the more my team grows. You must face the FACT that not everyone you recruit will duplicate and take action. Many people buy into the HYPE but they are not willing to grow into success. They want success handed to them. The sooner you realize this the sooner you can move on and focus on recruiting new people everyday and not waste your time.

The more you grow yourself by learning new strategies and reading personal development you will become an ATTRACTION magnet. You will naturally make tons of friends who want to LEARN from you and get to KNOW you. Success is also a huge motivator for others! The more success you have, the more others will want to take action. Make sure you share with your team and your friends that you are having some level of success in your business. They need to see 'real live' success in your opportunity. You shouldn't become 'cocky' or 'conceited' but there is some truth to this saying, "Success breeds success." SHOW YOUR SUCCESS! It's a very effective strategy to use to motivate your team in your online network marketing business.

If you become a master at winning friends and influencing them to take action in their business your success will be guaranteed!

How To Win Friends And Influence People In Your Online Network Marketing Business

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