Friday, June 1, 2012

The Benefit of Reading Books

You've learned the power of your imagination to open new windows and doors to let light in on those shadows that clouded your vision in the past. You are a creative and gifted human being with the potential to create better things and to make a difference by inspiring others to challenge their own ways of living, and make the commitment to changing their own lives.

Imagination is a source of such energy and it shines brightest when it breathes in the oxygen of new ideas and free thought. The greatest writers challenged the world to look at life in new and different ways; they challenged the status quo and dared people to question their ideals, their values, their morals, and their beliefs.


If there were no imagination there would be no progression. There would be no will to aspire to better things, and no vision to see beyond the obvious and the mundane. There would be nothing to strive for and no goals, because everyone would be quite content to sit in an armchair and stare at the wall.

The Benefit of Reading Books

Take the challenge. Open your mind wide and join in the conversation with writers and thinkers and anyone who sees the world in different ways. It doesn't matter a bit whether you agree with what they're saying - the thrill of excitement comes when you fully engage with new ideas and your mind takes off into a quiet room where nothing else matters but the words on the page and the ideas and visions spark in your mind.

Let your imagination go. Be swept away and open up that pathway between the crackling energy of inspiration and your mind and soul. Revel in the joy of new knowledge. Really listen to the conversations and open.

Reading isn't only about the ideas either. Listen to the words as they ride by - feel their energy and hear their music - whatever language you have as your own, celebrate its beauty and its sound.

What you're reading and experiencing isn't simply a collection of cold words on a flat page. Those words were written with conviction, passion and energy, and what you can experience now is that same passion and energy that the writer had.

Books are powerhouses and they will challenge you to meet their power with your own.

They cause change. They can be a phenomenal source of inspiration in your life.

The Benefit of Reading Books

Neel Raman is the author of "Hoops and Freedom" and the creator of The Awaken Academy, which is dedicated to helping people live a life of happiness and success in all areas of life. He is also one of Bob Proctor's LifeSuccess Consultants, and he works with individuals and companies and helps them improve their results in every aspect of life. Please go to and for more details.

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