Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tattoos and Motivation - Why Do People Get Tattoos?

With ink appearing on everyone and anyone it becomes a common question as to why do people get tattoos? What exactly is it that motivates us to modify our bodies and inject ourselves with ink in a rather painful manner? What exactly is it that causes us to approach complete strangers and allow them to permanently place their artwork upon our bodies for life? Of course the reasoning will vary from person to person but here are some of the most common reasons why people get tattoos.

Some get tattoos simply as a form of self expression and the rebellion of society. We get them to show off who we are and what we stand for. We get them to show the world that we are who we are no mater what they think or what they expect from us.


We get our ink to show our affiliations and connections. This doesn't have to be gang related or anything of the sort. For some it is the affiliation to the Marines or something we are very proud to be apart of, others it is simply a sign of their family and who they belong to and love.

Tattoos and Motivation - Why Do People Get Tattoos?

Some of us get tattoos simply because it is something we want to do and something we want to endure. Our reasons are as simple as we have gotten our first ink and became addicted. Getting tattooed is an addictive habit. And once addicted and bitten we go back for more ink. And that can be the simple reason behind getting the ink.

Some choose to get their ink to show off what has happened in their lives, to recall everything that has happened in their lives. This is the case of prisoners who have their entires stories tattooed upon their bodies. For those without ink are said to have never lived or existed.

Tattoos and Motivation - Why Do People Get Tattoos?

So why do people get tattoos? They get them because they choose to. Make your choice by clicking here!

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