Friday, May 18, 2012

What Makes Affiliate Marketing A Perfect Business Model for Beginners?

If you are thinking of working from home and starting your own online business, affiliate marketing is the perfect place to start. It's quick, easy and inexpensive. Let's take a look at those three benefits of affiliate marketing in a little more detail.
It Won't Cost You An Arm And A Leg

Most businesses that you start have a pretty hefty start-up price tag to them. Thankfully that isn't the case with affiliate marketing. All you need in the beginning is:

A Domain Name - That's your address on the web. It will cost you about $12 per year to register a domain. I recommend using domain names that end

Hosting - Next you need a place to set up your website. You don't need anything fancy here. A simple shared hosting package with cpanel hosting will work well. Hostgator has some nice beginner packages for less than $5 per month.

WordPress - I love how easy it has gotten to set up, design and then maintain a website with WordPress. Download the free software from You'll also find plenty of free templates there to get the look you want. Plugins make it easy to give your site all sorts of extra functionality.

These are the basics you'll need to get started. So far we're looking at an investment of about $ 72 per year. If you end up making just a handful of affiliate sales all year, you'll be profitable with your online business.

You Can Work On It Part Time

When I first got started with affiliate marketing, I was working full-time and had a family to take care of. I got started spending just 30 minutes a day working on my website. Within two years it grew into a large enough income that I was able to quit my day job and focus more time and effort on my online business.

You don't have to give up a current position to get started with this. Build an extra steam of income to pay for a nice vacation... Or keep building and get to the point that you're replacing your regular income. The choice is yours, but the important part to remember is that you can start this type of business no matter how little time you have to work on it.

Less Of A Learning Curve Than Other Online Business Models

The third big benefit of Affiliate Marketing is that it is a very simple business model. You share great content and information with your readers and then recommend products and services you like. You don't have to learn anything about shopping carts, product creation or sales letter copy writing. You also don't have to worry about dealing with returns, refunds and customer service issues. All that's handled by the company or person whose product you are recommending. You just grab a link for the affiliate area and then collect your commissions by check or PayPal payments.

Give affiliate marketing a try. You'll be surprised how easy it is to get started.

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