Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What Is Motivation

Motivation is the characteristic that is required in order to achieve anything in life; without it you will give up at the first sign of adversity. It means to inspire, instigate and encourage a person to do their best. Motivation will compel a person to think "If I can't, then I must" and will cause them to do whatever it takes to become successful. If you inspire motivation it can change your life. You will be inspired to get what you want regardless of what people tell you that you can not do. I have personally seen people apply the motivation factors in life to get from poverty to a life filled with abundance.

Do you think you possess the quality? Only you can answer this question. Take a honest look at yourself; do you find yourself pursuing your goals everyday? Are you doing something to work towards them regardless of what is going on in your life? If you are then you; then my friend you do possess this characteristic and you will reach all your goals. I wake up at 5:00 in the morning to get started on my goals. I am passionate about reaching all my goals. Do you find yourself doing this or are you making excuses of why you can not work on a goal?


It will give you the passion to begin exploring what it is you really want to do in life, and give you the courage to follow your dreams. If you do not like where you currently are and are living life everyday unhappy and frustrated; it probably is because you do not possess any motivation for what you are currently doing. It is up to you to find out what you would really like to be doing with your life. What kind of lifestyle do you want? What kind of career do you want? Do you actually know what it is that would make you happy and excited about getting up out of bed in the morning?

What Is Motivation

This is a strong quality for anyone to possess; and you can only possess it when you set a burning desire to be do have something in life. No one can give it to you. It can change a persons life in many ways. It can change the way you think, and when you become involved with personal development and become a much more positive individual motivation will get you out of your negative environment.

It is the fuel that inspires us to reach our goals and achieve what we truly desire. It also allows us to keep getting up and moving forward when we get knocked down. Getting motivated and staying motivated gives us the energy we require to reach our goals in the shortest amount of time possible. It is required to meet our goals and do anything purposeful in life. Without it you will not want to get out of bed, clean the house, walk the dogs or do anything at all. Being successful in life and motivation go hand in hand. When you learn how to achieve motivation for something you truly desire; nothing can stop you from having it. So think about it; what truly motivates you then take action towards it and watch it become your reality.

What Is Motivation

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Motivation - 7 Steps For Coaching Difficult Employees

Management comes with many challenges that can test the most seasoned business professional. One of the most difficult and frustrating challenges for any manager, however, is working with difficult employees. Working with difficult employees is an emotional tug-of-war experience that is stressful for the manager and employee alike. Often, by the time the manager is able to rectify the situation through voluntary or involuntary termination of the employee, the damage to office morale and overall productivity is great. The good news is that managers do have an alternative they can use to get a better result from their difficult employees. By following a 7 step, coaching model, managers can build an effective working relationship with their difficult employees and motivate them to improve their performance. The goal of this model is to return the employee to productivity--not punish the employee or begin dismissal procedures. It is not disciplinary. A "how-to discussion" on each of the 7 steps of this coaching model follows:

1. Create A Positive Tone For The Coaching Meeting


For a coaching session to be successful, it must begin positively. Several activities are important for this step. First, creating a cordial but business tone is important. This can be achieved by coaching the employee in private. This follows the management principle of praising in public and correcting in private. Few, if any, employees enjoy being verbally reprimanded in front of their peers.

Motivation - 7 Steps For Coaching Difficult Employees

Second, the manager needs to explain the purpose of the meeting in a friendly and non-accusatory manner. Avoiding inflammatory words is critical! Too often, coaching sessions are derailed by the manager's poor choice of words in opening the meeting.

2. Describe Undesirable Employee Behavior In Factual But Neutral Terms

To keep a coaching session productive, a manager must describe the undesirable employee behavior in specific terms that do not further inflame the situation. The manager who tells her employee that he has a bad attitude, is moody, and is just generally unpleasant will only make the existing working situation worse. The better approach is to describe what a "bad attitude" looks like in neutral terms. Does the employee not return phone calls, miss deadlines, not show up at regularly scheduled meetings, produce inaccurate work, refuse to help co-workers, etc. All of these other descriptors of a "bad attitude" are more specific and less judgmental. Including some specific examples of undesirable behavior that the manager has personally observed herself is important for the credibility of the meeting. Voicing only what everyone else has told the manager and not what she has observed herself is less effective for coaching difficult employees.

Finally, the manager must have accurate and specific examples of the employee's performance issues for discussion purposes. A manager who engages a difficult employee in a coaching session with "descriptions of undesirable behavior" that are erroneous and easily refuted will only make the situation worse.

3. Obtain Agreement From Employee That A Problem Exists

Once the manager has provided data to support her position about the employee's performance gap, she will need to work with the employee to get him to agree that an issue exists. This often occurs when the manager reinforces her descriptions of the undesirable behavior in factual and neutral terms. (It is difficult for an employee to continue to refute specific instances of not returning telephone calls, missed deadlines, missed meetings, etc.) Once the manager and employee agree that a problem exists, the manager is ready to work with the employee on the next step of this model.

4. Determine Reasons For Employee Performance Gaps

Asking the employee to discuss the reasons for his performance gaps will provide valuable information to the manager. For the manager, this step will point out any actions that the manager may need to take, herself, to address relevant organizational issues impacting the employee. These managerial actions might involve other team members, organizational resources, or other factors. For the employee, it begins the groundwork for getting him to take responsibility for improving his actions.

To facilitate this step, the manager will need to use active listening skills, ask open-ended questions, and paraphrase what the employee communicates. This will begin a healthy two-way communication with the difficult employee.

5. Require Employee To Help Own The Solution

The manager must avoid the urge to tell the employee what he must do to solve his performance issues. Instead, she should engage him in "owning the solution" for his performance issues. She can use an open-ended questioning approach to coach the employee to find his own solution. It is important that she not criticize or make judgmental statements about solutions the employee suggests. Instead, through a series of guided questions and paraphrasing, she can help him find a solution. Once this has occurred, the manager can add other elements to the solution to make it viable for what she needs from this employee. The important point of this step is that the employee needs to have joint ownership with his manager in coming up with the solution.

6. Use WIIFM To Motivate Employee To Act Responsibly

The acronym WIIFM stands for What's In It For Me. Appealing to an employee's WIIFM is a powerful motivation tool. The manager should use this opportunity to discuss positive outcomes for the employee by appealing to what he values. For example, if the employee values career growth, the manager might explain to the employee that improving his performance will allow him to be more competitive for other positions in the unit or company.

7. Summarize Meeting And Define Next Steps.

In this last step, the manager summarizes the meeting and the agreements she and her employee have reached. She also defines key actions and time frames that are necessary for the employee to improve his performance. Finally, she outlines her plan to follow up with her employee to assist him in his improvement efforts. Like the first step, it is important that the manager end the meeting on a positive tone.

The 7-step coaching model consists of a private meeting between the manager and the employee. Its success depends on the manager's ability to communicate effectively and facilitate employee engagement. Through active listening and facilitation, describing behavior in factual but neutral terms, and appealing to the values of the employee, a manager can begin the process of establishing a relationship of trust with her difficult employee. While this model may not work for all situations, it can be useful when coaching--not corrective action--is desired.

Motivation - 7 Steps For Coaching Difficult Employees

Robert Tanner is President of Business Consulting Solutions LLC, the author of Why Smart People Fail at Management (available at, and an Adjunct Professor of Management. He provides training and development, managerial and organizational assessments, and management coaching services. With over 20 years of management experience, Robert is a seasoned business practitioner. His clients include Fortune 100 firms, start-up firms, and public agencies. He is a frequent seminar trainer on management and leadership and was featured in Smart Business Magazine. Robert is professionally certified to administer a variety of behavioral and psychological type assessments including Myers Briggs Type Indicator™ (MBTI®) and Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior™ (FIRO-B®).

If you enjoyed this article, visit the Management is a Journey blog and join the management discussion. To learn more about his professional services, visit Business Consulting Solutions LLC.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

New And Unusual Fundraising Ideas

Need some new fundraising ideas? When your organization or group needs to raise money for a trip or project, there is nothing wrong with another bake sale. Do something a little different, though, and you may get more volunteers for the event. You might also get more media exposure, meaning more people will participate, which means more money raised. Why not try one of the following ideas.

Mobile rummage sale. Having a rummage sale is a common fundraising idea, but how about a mobile rummage sale? It requires collecting donations of things to sell, and the cooperation of someone with a pick up truck. Sort the things as neatly as possible in the back of the truck, then go door-to-door, explaining to the residents that you are raising money for your cause, and asking them to take a look at your sale. Maybe they'll also want to donate things to sell. Take the sale to the beach or other busy places too.


Dog wash. A car wash is one of the most common fundraising ideas out there, but a dog wash is less common. Find a place where many people walk their dogs. A brush, dog shampoo, and a source of water are all you need. You could also sell dog toys, dog snacks and other pet-related things for even more profit.

New And Unusual Fundraising Ideas

Business clean-up. Many businesses need to have the area around them cleaned up. Restaurants might have trash around the edges of their parking lots, some businesses may need their signs washed, and others could need their sidewalks and lots swept. A crew of young people could clean up a property in an hour for a set fee, and the business could write off the contribution on their taxes.

Online donor recognition. When you collect donations for a project or regular event, you can promise donors that they'll be recognized on your group's official website. They get a bit of internet immortality as one of the people that made your event, trip or project possible. It is common that donors get their names put on a plaque, but the website is accessible to all their friends anywhere in the world, so they can show them how they helped.

Treasure hunt. This could be a big event, even an annual one if your organization needs a regular fundraising event. The basic idea: Rope off an area of a beach, bury silver bars and coins in the sand, and let people hunt for them for an entry fee. Let's say you bury 4 quarter-ounce gold coins, 20 one-ounce silver bars, 1000 various foreign coins (some coin shops sell these for ten cents each), 500 dimes and 2000 pennies.

At today's prices it would cost you about ,000, which you might first raise through donations. With 3524 coins, almost everyone would find something. 300 people paying each would net your group ,000, plus you could sell hotdogs and drinks during the event.

Except for the last one, these are all relatively cheap events to plan. Tell the papers about your plans, of course. The more unusual fundraising ideas are more likely to get some free press coverage.

New And Unusual Fundraising Ideas

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Achievement Motivation

Over the years, behavioral scientists have noticed that some people have an intense desire to achieve something, while others may not seem that concerned about their achievements. This phenomenon has attracted a lot of discussions and debates. Scientists have observed that people with a high level of achievement motivation exhibit certain characteristics. Achievement motivation is the tendency to endeavor for success and to choose goal oriented success or failure activities.

Achievement motivation forms to be the basic for a good life. People who are oriented towards achievement, in general, enjoy life and feel in control. Being motivated keeps people dynamic and gives them self-respect. They set moderately difficult but easily achievable targets, which help them, achieve their objectives. They do not set up extremely difficult or extremely easy targets. By doing this they ensure that they only undertake tasks that can be achieved by them. Achievement motivated people prefer to work on a problem rather than leaving the outcome to chance. It is also seen that achievement motivated people seem to be more concerned with their personal achievement rather than the rewards of success.


It is generally seen that achievement motivated people evidenced a significantly higher rate of advancement in their company compared to others. Programs and courses designed, involves seven "training inputs." The first step refers to the process through which achievement motivation thinking is taught to the person. The second step helps participants understand their own individuality and goals. The third assist participants in practicing achievement-related actions in cases, role-plays, and real life. A fourth refers to practicing of achievement-related actions in business and other games. A fifth input encourages participants to relate the achievement behavior model to their own behavior, self-image, and goals. The sixth program facilitates participants to develop a personal plan of action. Finally, the course provides participants with feedback on their progress towards achieving objectives and targets.

Achievement Motivation

Achievement motivation as a branch of study has greatly established its prominence. A number of companies are now training their employees in the same.

Achievement Motivation

Motivation provides detailed information on Motivation, Daily Motivation, Employee Motivation, Motivation Posters and more. Motivation is affiliated with Christian Motivational Speakers.

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Friday, May 18, 2012

What Makes Affiliate Marketing A Perfect Business Model for Beginners?

If you are thinking of working from home and starting your own online business, affiliate marketing is the perfect place to start. It's quick, easy and inexpensive. Let's take a look at those three benefits of affiliate marketing in a little more detail.
It Won't Cost You An Arm And A Leg

Most businesses that you start have a pretty hefty start-up price tag to them. Thankfully that isn't the case with affiliate marketing. All you need in the beginning is:

A Domain Name - That's your address on the web. It will cost you about $12 per year to register a domain. I recommend using domain names that end

Hosting - Next you need a place to set up your website. You don't need anything fancy here. A simple shared hosting package with cpanel hosting will work well. Hostgator has some nice beginner packages for less than $5 per month.

WordPress - I love how easy it has gotten to set up, design and then maintain a website with WordPress. Download the free software from You'll also find plenty of free templates there to get the look you want. Plugins make it easy to give your site all sorts of extra functionality.

These are the basics you'll need to get started. So far we're looking at an investment of about $ 72 per year. If you end up making just a handful of affiliate sales all year, you'll be profitable with your online business.

You Can Work On It Part Time

When I first got started with affiliate marketing, I was working full-time and had a family to take care of. I got started spending just 30 minutes a day working on my website. Within two years it grew into a large enough income that I was able to quit my day job and focus more time and effort on my online business.

You don't have to give up a current position to get started with this. Build an extra steam of income to pay for a nice vacation... Or keep building and get to the point that you're replacing your regular income. The choice is yours, but the important part to remember is that you can start this type of business no matter how little time you have to work on it.

Less Of A Learning Curve Than Other Online Business Models

The third big benefit of Affiliate Marketing is that it is a very simple business model. You share great content and information with your readers and then recommend products and services you like. You don't have to learn anything about shopping carts, product creation or sales letter copy writing. You also don't have to worry about dealing with returns, refunds and customer service issues. All that's handled by the company or person whose product you are recommending. You just grab a link for the affiliate area and then collect your commissions by check or PayPal payments.

Give affiliate marketing a try. You'll be surprised how easy it is to get started.

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