Monday, February 25, 2013

The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Motivation

Throughout the past couple of decades, many studies have been done regarding the physiological and psychological effects of motivation. Medical professionals and scientists that focus on the areas of neurology, biology, and similar branches of sciences have conducted these studies in an effort to assist individuals who suffer from the effects of low self-esteem, severe depression, and even extreme levels of anxiety. Throughout this article, we will explore the physiological and psychological effects of motivation.

The following was taken from an online report acquired from the ever-popular Psychology Online:

"Although our society is largely extrinsically-motivated by external rewards such as money, fame and power, research has indicated those who are intrinsically-motivated by inner desires for creativity, fulfillment and inner satisfaction are psychologically healthier and happier."

The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Motivation

This indicates, based on a number of studies, that we are not entirely driven by the motivation that is considered to be based on external achievements. In most situations, society drives individuals to seek the gratification of these particular types of rewards. Making more money, purchasing a new vehicle, owning a large home, and even achieving a high level of fame does not constitute happiness at all. Individuals who base their happiness in these types of external motivators often find themselves struggling with their self-confidence, and their general perception of life and their place in it.

Individuals who are driven by internal motivators, such as their basic level of creativity and the ability to develop themselves into the absolute best that they can be, are often more content with themselves, and their life in general. Psychologically, these individuals experience a higher level of self-esteem, and a lower level of depression, anxiety, and other types of mental complications. It has also been established by the conclusive studies that individuals who are content on a psychological level are healthier on a physiological level. Psychology experts consistently strive to prove the correlation between our physical health and our mental health. The study of motivation has led these professionals to believe that if someone does have motivation, not only will they be successful in life, but they can also combat stress, mental illness, and even physical illness.

The Power of Motivation

Motivation is a powerful, moving force that we all have to some degree. We put motivation to work for us on a daily basis. It is a key essential to basic survival - psychologically and physiologically. Motivation is the impulse, obsession, or pure desire to achieve specific goals in our life. In order for motivation to be effective in our lives, the energy that each of us has must work together in an effort to put the power behind the motivation. Motivation moves us - it strengthens us - it puts us exactly where we want and need to be in life. If the motivation that we experience is positive, we are able to optimize our physical and mental health in general.

Individuals who lack enough or the right type of motivation often experience a number of complications in their life. These may complications may include negative emotions, lack of self-worth, frustration, discontentment with life, and even depression. In addition to this, physical symptoms and issues such as an elevation in blood pressure stress on the body, and even ulcers may be effects that linger around the unmotivated individual. If you want to optimize your health, it is important to understand the role of motivation when it comes to physiological and psychological aspects of who we are.

The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Motivation
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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sports Motivation

It is a well-known fact that success requires a great deal of patience and hard work. In order to achieve victory a sports person is required to practice and train every day. As such, they need to be suitably motivated. Lack of motivation may lead to a lax in their fitness routine.

People can be motivated in numerous ways. Researchers state that motivation is "a process through which a person makes use of available resources, time, talent, and energy, and distributes them in a way they choose." This process is called the personal investment theory, and it includes a two-stage causal process. The first stage involves the effects of external factors and their influence on how an individual looks at a particular situation. In the second stage, the individual takes into consideration a personal investment in the situation. The personal investment involves an inner drive, a desire, or an intention an individual possesses as a reaction to external influences. Different athletes have different forms of motivation to keep them dedicate to a particular sport. It may be enjoyment, physical fitness, social relationships, or goal attainment.

There are two kinds of motivation that enables sportsmen to achieve a particular goal or task. The first type of extrinsic motivation in sports comes from external influences or people. People are extrinsically motivated to earn rewards, social recognition, or benefits. The second kind of intrinsic motivation is an inherent characteristic that feeds off one's inner drive to accomplish a goal or objective.

Sports Motivation

Intrinsically motivated people focus on a task for their own sake. They have a sense of self-determination, and look upon themselves as being able to meet the demands of a particular task. With the introduction of the Internet, there have been a number of sites solely dedicated to providing information on sports motivation. These sites also publish a number of sports related articles and quotes intended to motivate sportspersons.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Employee Motivation And Productivity - How You Motivate Others To Do As Little As Possible

Employee motivation and employee productivity can be tricky. Have you ever managed people you'd describe as capable and talented, but they just "go through the motions" of showing up and doing the bare minimum? You might ask yourself, "Where is their motivation?"

What may be happening in the above scenario is that these talented, capable people are motivated to show up at work and do as little as possible without getting fired!

The definition of motivation is - An inner drive that compels behavior. Therefore, to say someone "just isn't motivated", just isn't possible. Employee motivation begins with understanding that within every human being, there's an inner drive that compels behavior. In other words, everyone has motivation. Criminals are motivated as much as you and I...only in a different direction to achieve different outcomes. Each of us behaves as we do, because of an inner drive called "motivation."

Employee Motivation And Productivity - How You Motivate Others To Do As Little As Possible

One question that might arise from the above definition is, "If motivation comes from within, does that mean employee motivation and productivity isn't possible with some people?" That's a great question. Let's take a closer look at employee motivation and productivity and how we can get more out of people.

The first step is in understanding that each of us has "wants" in key life areas such as financial, health, relationships, business/career, spiritual and recreational. Our vision in those areas, and our journey toward fulfilling them, is what determines our motivation and productivity. When there's a "gap" between where we are and where we want to be, inner drive "kicks in" to somehow close the gap.

Given the above, every interaction you have with people, motivates or de-motivates them. Every interaction "raises a mirror", where they see themselves in relation to where they want to be. Your words and actions have immediate meaning for people: their relationship with you either moves them toward or away from their desired destination. If people experience you as a barrier to having more of what they want, they may "hold back" their productivity. For them, more effort isn't worthwhile enough; therefore, it may appear they have no motivation.

Now we know better. They're motivated...just in a different direction than you. Sometimes it doesn't take much to affect someone's motivation and productivity.

A friend of mine is the number one salesperson for a company. He once told me he had zero motivation to win a sales contest which included a fully paid trip to Cancun for 10 days with his wife. Why?

His children weren't included on the trip. If he and his wife were leaving on vacation, he wanted his kids with them. Since that wasn't the case, he got very creative with order schedules, so he could place second in the contest without losing commissions in the long term. Granted, the company's quarterly bottom line would be lower, but this way my friend could get what he wanted - a family vacation on his terms.

Like my friend, all of us have motivation toward what we want and away from what we don't want.
If my friend's manager had asked, "What would provide you the most motivation to win this contest?"...he would have heard my friend say, "Just give me four days in Disney World with my wife and kids, then get out of my way and watch me win this thing." One simple question would have made all the difference in my friend's motivation to win, but his manager didn't ask it.

When you show interest in what people want and help them get more of that, you ignite employee motivation and productivity in the direction you desire.

Do you struggle with business productivity and employee motivation? Are you desperately trying to find a way to increase productivity and motivate some employees? Are you about to throw in the towel because you think motivation isn't possible with some people? If so, consider that they may not be getting enough of what they want, and that's why they appear to have little motivation.

How do you find out what employees want? You must ask them. If their productivity and motivation is low because important things aren't being fulfilled, you may be able to increase productivity and turn things around by finding a way to make their job a vehicle for getting more of what they want.

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This article content is from Bill Dyer's Award-Winning Book, When Life Blows You Down. To receive FREE tips on "257 Ways To Appreciate This Moment And Create A Life You Love", go to:

Bill Dyer
Professional Speaker/Award-Winning Author

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