Monday, December 24, 2012

Short Quotes With Explanation for Motivation and Success

Short quotes inspire us for action. Life without motivation is like we are sitting in a dark room. People often work like a robot and do not dare to dream big. God has given us life to do extraordinary tasks. We all have qualities and capabilities to achieve anything. The only thing which required is motivation.

So here's are some of my favorite short quotes to let you feel the magic of motivation i life-

"For every dark night there is a brighter day." -Tupac Shakur
This short quote describes how we should take our life. Good time and bad time keeps on coming and going. There is always bright day after dark night. So you should be optimistic and think the positive side. After your hard work, success is bound to come. So never give-up and keep on putting your best.

Short Quotes With Explanation for Motivation and Success

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought." -Budha
Whatever we are is the result of our thought. All the achievement and success is the result of our attitude and our power of thinking. All the miracles take place in mind, so think high and work hard. Do not take rest until you achieve your goals.

"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." -Henry David Thoreau
Dreams give us a vision to work on. A person without dreams is as good as animal. So the best in life comes when you watch big dreams with open eyes. Dreams keep us inspired. All the big achievers of world are big dreamer. They dream and work hard to convert them into reality.

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." -Unknown
Nothing is impossible. Every task needs passion, positive energy and will power. Long time ago, nobody could have thought of airplane, but today it is truth. We can fly in air. So impossible is nothing. We have reached to moon. We all have all the powers of doing anything we wish for. We just need to wake up and motivate ourselves to realize our hidden qualities.

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time you fall." -Anonymous
Failure and success is the part of life. Many people give up after facing failure. They should not do it. You must get up and try again with your double level of energy, because you have gained more experience. Never forget that the failures are the pillar of success.

So do your best to achieve the best with motivational short quotes. Life is great teacher. Learn from it and be a real winner.

Short Quotes With Explanation for Motivation and Success
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Friday, December 21, 2012

Effective Motivational Skills For Today's Managers - Life Lessons


Motivated employees will work more effectively in their jobs and do more to further the bottom-line objectives of a company than unmotivated employees. As a manager, you are in a position to increase the motivation of your employees. This basic managerial skill training in motivation will enable you to become a more effective manager for yourself, and for your company. You will learn how to handle motivational problems, which will help you gain 100% effectiveness of your employees.

What Should You Expect From This Article

Effective Motivational Skills For Today's Managers - Life Lessons

As you know, motivation is a complex issue. Many psychologists and researchers spend their entire life investigating people's motivation to perform. Similarly, there are many books currently out in the bookstores promising to give us the secret for "getting others to do what we wish."

There are many theories of motivation; and different techniques to solve motivational problems. Rather than attempting to review all these theories, the purpose of this module is to look at six common motivational factors which will make the difference between employees who are motivated and employees who exhibit motivational problems. We will use only as much "theory" as needed to gain basic understanding of each motivational issue. Primarily we will discuss what you can do to solve the motivational problem.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion, you will be able to:

o Recognize what types of employee behavior problems are motivational issues and which are not.

o State in simple language what is the real motivational factor behind different types of problems encountered as a manager and what you can do to correct each problem.

o Apply appropriate steps or response to resolve the motivational problem.

o Motivate average and above average performers to perform even better.

Training Format

This article is designed to do more than just give you information on motivation. Rather, it is set up to teach you skills which you can apply in your day to day jobs.

This will be accomplished by the use of exercises that require your involvement. Active participation will enable you to learn "what to do and how to do it," better than passively sitting back and being an observer. Keep this in mind as we proceed.

Manager's Methods Motivate

Many management experts agree that the key to employee morale and motivation is the quality of supervision they receive from their supervisor. It is for this reason that most businesses invest much time, energy, and money in the selection of their managers followed by in-depth training. In fact, this information is designed to assist you, the manager, in developing methods which have been "proven" to produce the highest possible motivation in your employees.

Who Is Responsible For Motivation

Managers share the responsibility in motivating their employees with the individual employees themselves. The manager is 100% responsible for establishing a motivating climate in which the employee works. The employee is 100% responsible for taking advantage of the motivating climate to perform the best they can perform.

Detecting Motivation Problems:

Focus On Behavior

Motivation is not something that we can directly see. That is the major reason why it is so complex. Instead, we observe a situation and notice that some action, tasks, or behaviors that should have occurred, have not occurred. Frequently, we call this a "motivation problem."

Like a detective, we must be aware of clues which hint of a "motivation problem" in an employee. These clues are behaviors.

Focusing on behaviors has several advantages:

o Behaviors are observable; they require only our attention-not complicated psychological analysis.

o Behaviors are objective; they are not easily open for mis-interpretation.

o Behaviors are measurable; we can count how many times a certain behavior occurs.

o Behaviors are specific and concrete; not abstract like the concept of motivation.

Begin by asking yourself, "What is he not doing? What behaviors, actions, or tasks should she be doing?" Be as specific and precise as possible. "He is not doing it the way he is supposed to" or "she is not committed" or "she has a bad attitude" are not specific behaviors. State the problem in terms of behavior.

Behaviors That May Indicate A "Motivational Problem"

As we have said, instead of focusing on the abstract and complex concept of motivation, go right to the behaviors from which we suspect the "motivation problem."

Motivation problems can be suspected from such behaviors as:

o Reduced quantity of work output.

o Reduced quality of work output.

o Extended lunch and break times.

o Frequent tardiness.

o Frequent absenteeism.

Motivation Worksheet 1 - (Take a few minutes to answer these questions.)

1. What behaviors indicate "a bad attitude" or "no commitment" in an employee?

2. Think of a particular unmotivated employee that you currently know or have known in a previous position or job. What specific behaviors did this person exhibit (or not exhibit) that leads you to believe they have a motivation problem?

3. List behaviors that you demonstrate when you are feeling unmotivated to do a task?

Selecting "Motivated Employees"

It makes our job of motivating employees much easier, when we start with employees who are "highly motivated." In other words, motivation comes easier. when we have the "right person for the job." The "hiring of motivated employees" is a selection decision. Make sure you identify the job-related skills a candidate possesses by thorough questioning. In this way, the job skills an employee possesses can be matched with the job skills required for success on the job. When a match occurs, we can feel confident that the person is the best candidate for the job.

In fact, a job candidate that was motivated to learn these key identified job-related skills in the past, will be motivated to use them, and learn additional skills, in the future. All personnel selection decisions are based on the theory that how a person performed in their past job predicts future job performance in a similar job-a job candidate motivated to perform in the past will most likely be motivated to perform in a similar situation in the future. Aim to improve motivation among the workforce by selecting job candidates who demonstrate job-related skills required for success with your company. The selected employee whose job matches their skills will show motivation to do a good job, a greater liking of their job, and a longer stay at their job.

Motivation Worksheet 2 - (Take a few minutes to answer these questions.)

1. Think of a position which you manage. Focus on the job, itself. List the job-related skills for this position. In other words, when interviewing to hire a candidate for the job, what skills should the candidate possess to be successful on the job?

2. In an interview, what might a job applicant say or do to indicate high motivation?

3. List two to three questions that would allow you to test their motivation level?

Training for Success

Training teaches people new skills, new procedures, or new information. It does not directly teach "motivation." However, training accomplishes something more-maybe a little harder to see-but still extremely important. Training can give an employee the ability to be successful. Employees who show signs of lack of ability can be taught how to perform correctly. Ability produces success. Success is a large motivator. Success breeds more success. Success produces pride of accomplishment; it fuels ambition; it increases personal goals; it increases performance.

Remember: Training produces successful performance and success motivates.

We must look at the problem behavior and decide whether the employee has the ability to do the task. Examine the ability of the employee. Ask yourself: "Does the employee have the knowledge or the skills to complete the task or job successfully?"

Consider the following about the employee:

o Prior work experience.

o Job related skills.

o Completed any of your company supported training programs.

o Special instruction, coaching, or tutoring.

A person with low ability, can be taught, trained, and coached to perform successfully. Once they feel that "good feeling of success" and all that comes with it (pat on the back, acknowledgement, and pay increase), their motivation may increase.

Be advised though, that there are two problem situations you can run into. First, some employees may require so much extra training, teaching, coaching, and tutoring before they attain some success that it requires more on your part than you can realistically give. In this case, you might have to realize that the employee "lacks too much" and other action is required.

The second problem situation is that some people who receive training and accomplish successful performance may still not show an increase in motivation. This can be due to other reasons which we will soon explore. Training is only one of many factors which play a part in motivating employees.

Remember: While training does not guarantee an increase in motivation, it can pave the way for greater motivation.

Motivation Worksheet 3 - (Take a few minutes to answer these questions.)

1. List specific behaviors which indicate poor motivation in an employee you manage.

2) Does the employee have the knowledge or skills to complete the tasks or job duties successfully?

3) What training programs currently exist that can teach, train, and coach the employee to perform successfully?

4) What existing employee could you have them work with to improve their performance in weak areas?

Motivation Through Communication and Goal Setting

Communicating what we expect from our employees and setting appropriate goals for which they should strive plays a big part in their motivation.

In order for employees to do a good job, they must know what it is they are expected to do. This direction comes from you, the manager. The manager has the responsibility of telling the employee in specific, concrete words:

o What should be done

o When to do it

o Where

o How, to proceed step-by-step

o Who else is involved, why it is important, etc.

The manager knows what constitutes a "good job;" ask yourself if the employee has the same understanding of what would be a "good job." When an employee thinks that he or she has given 100% while the manager thinks that the employee has only given 60%, the problem is not motivation; it is communication.

To determine if the problem behavior is a result of a breakdown in communication, the manager must ask herself, "Did I talk to the employee about my expectations?" That is, we as managers must determine whether we discussed objectives, duties, responsibilities, deadlines and performance. (How we communicate is an entirely additional, yet related, matter that will be addressed in the Communication Skill article). It can be difficult to look at our own behavior as managers, but we need to discover if we have contributed to the problem.

Not only must you, as a manager, tell the employee what needs to be done, but you must also make sure the employee understands your directions as you intend them.

An effective manager accomplishes this by:

o repeating directions

o Cclarifying instructions

o Demonstration

o Checking for understanding

o Observing progress

o Double-checking

o Follow-up

Remember: Good communication prevents misunderstandings and paves the way for employee motivation.

Goal Setting

There is one particular type of communication that has been repeatedly shown to be effective in improving employee motivation. This is the communicating of goals or objectives.

A goal or objective is simply a task we are attempting to accomplish. Goals direct our behavior. They help us follow a straight-line course to our ultimate objective. They prevent us from being like leaves being blown helplessly by the wind.

Goals and objectives foster motivation. We see the progress we are making toward our goal. We feel we are getting somewhere. Without goals, it is not always clear when we have been successful. Goals serve as a yardstick by which to measure our accomplishments.

Some objectives are too broad in scope to strive for directly. For example, to increase profits is a difficult goal to tackle all at once. Large scale goals need to be broken down into intermediate goals. Even intermediate goals sometimes require smaller goals that can be accomplished in a shorter amount of time.

A goal should be (using SMART acronyms):

o Specific: it should include who, what, where, when and how built into it.

o Measureable: progress toward the goal should be recorded frequently.

o Attainable: it should be reasonable and realistic; there should be a very good certainty of accomplishing it.

o Realistic: should also pass the reasonable and realistic test.

o Timebound, set and agreed to mutually developed: the highest motivation will occur when the employee plays a part in setting the goal, together with the manager. The employee should have input setting the goal.

Motivation Worksheet 4 - (Take a few minutes to answer these questions.)

Think of an employee that has a motivation problem. Focusing on the employee's behavior, write 3 goals for the employee to attain that will bring his work performance "up to par".




Motivation Through Appraisal and Feedback

One of the most powerful ways to change the motivation of an employee is to appraise how he is performing his job duties and then to feed this information back to him.

I suggest you use two separate systems to provide employee appraisal and feedback. The Employee Performance Review (by whatever name you call the form) evaluates the job performance of individual workers in terms of pre-identified objectives and clearly notifies the employee "how they have done" in achieving these objectives. The Progressive Discipline System (by whatever name you call the form) also evaluates the job performance of individual workers in terms of job expectations and then clearly notifies the employee "how they have fallen short" in working up to these expectations. Although Employee Performance Review emphasize positive performance while Progressive Discipline emphasizes undesirable performance, both work in exactly the same way: they provide feedback to the employee on how they are doing in reference to a standard.

This can produce motivation in an employee. First, it communicates to the employee exactly, "where he stands," and secondly, it points to what type of coaching, counseling, or information the employee requires to get to "where he wants to go or sometimes must go."

Appraisal and feedback systems are ways to tell the employee that "she is on the right track." If not where they should be, this in itself often provides the motivation to self-correct and "get back on track."

Both of these programs are made even more powerful and hence motivating by the consequences attached to them. The result of a "favorable" performance appraisal can mean an increase in salary-a very definite motivator for some people. The result of an "unchanged" progressive discipline report can mean suspension or even separation of employment, a very definite motivator in the sense that employees will work to avoid the negative consequence.

Remember: Appraising employee performance through Employee Performance Review or Progressive Discipline and feeding back to them the results motivates by "pointing the employee in the right direction"

and "making clear how far they must go."

Motivation Worksheet 5 - (Take a few minutes to answer these questions.)

1) Think of an employee you manage who did not perform to your performance standards on a specific task.

2) What was the desired performance?

3) Describe the feedback you should give immediately upon completion of the task so the employee "gets back onto the right track".

4) How would you "point the employee in the right direction" by using an Employee Performance Appraisal or Progressive Discipline?

Motivating Work Assignments

Ideally, the work itself should be highly interesting and hence motivating to the employee. This is partly determined in the selection process where job candidate's skills and interests are assessed and compared to the requirements of the job. When delegating tasks be sure to consider the skill level of the parties involved, the needs of the job, etc. as well.

Even after a job candidate is hired, placement of the employee into a specific work assignment can foster or stifle motivation. For example, a stereo buff would be more highly motivated to sell stereos or other electronic products than draperies.

Employees can have different preferences in many ways:

o Some employees may prefer a large variety of different job duties whereas others may prefer only a small set number.

o Some employees like to face challenge and complexity within their job whereas others may prefer the simple or routine.

o Some employees may prefer to work independently, apart from others, whereas other employees prefer to work in an area with other employees.

o Some employees may prefer to work on tasks where they can receive instant feedback on their efforts, whereas others may not require such instantaneous and continuous feedback.

The point is that you can increase the motivation of your employees if you can match their need for different degrees of autonomy, variety, challenge, complexity, and feedback to the available work assignments. To the best that you can, tailoring the work assignments to the employee's primary needs and abilities, will result in a higher level of performance from that employee.

This is not to suggest that you should bend to every desire of an employee.

Meeting an employee's individual interests on the job will help that employee like their job more. They in turn, will be more willing and motivated to help the manager achieve bottom-line objectives. When both get what they respectively want, then a win/win situation exists. The manager wins because he will have a motivated, effective employee; the employee wins because his needs are met.

When an employee knows he is benefitting, he will be motivated to perform better. If an employee gets to do parts of his job that he likes to do, then the employee will be more willing to do those things that have to be done as well.

See what your employees would like to gain from their employment besides money. Ask, "What else does this employee want from his job here." Some answers might be:

o "A good recommendation for future jobs."

o "A chance to learn firsthand about the world of business before going to college and studying business."

o "An opportunity to learn skills like cashiering, customer service, selling, or management, etc."

o "A chance to get out of the house and be around people like other employees and customers."

o "To be aware of the latest market trends, fashions - wanting to be first to see what's new."

To meet people's interests and thus produce greater motivation, a certain amount of compromise and negotiation must take place between a manager and employee. It is difficult to balance the needs of an employee and those of a manager, who is trying to fulfill their company's bottom line performance, but compromise and negotiation gives the manager some control to accomplish both at once.

Motivation Worksheet 6 - (Take a few minutes to answer these questions.)

List the names of employees you manage under the type of work assignment which would motivate them to perform best.

Task Variety versus Set Types of Tasks

Challenge and Complexity versus Simple and Routine Tasks

Independent Tasks versus Working as part of a Group

Tasks which produce instant feedback versus Tasks which produce delayed


Do the actual assignments of your employees regularly include the types of assignments most motivating to them?

Rewarding Good Performance

One major reward an employee obviously earns through their work performance is their paycheck. Financial compensation for doing a task is as old as the institution of gainful employment. There has been a development in recent years, however, of a new system of rewarding employees that affects their motivation to perform. This is the concept of paying for performance.

The idea behind paying for performance is simple. Most people, including managers, have the belief that if I do this, I deserve to get that. If I do twice as much, then I deserve to get more in return. What we receive, we say we have earned.

One of the most common examples of a pay for performance system is tipping. The waitress knows that her performance directly affects the tip she will receive. If she does a good job, she can be reasonably sure that she will receive a tip. She also knows that if she does an outstanding job she will merit a larger tip than if she just does the bare minimum.

The employee can feel that their work performance will be rewarded on the basis of merit due to the performance appraisal system. By their performance, they can affect their financial rewards. If they fail to meet their objectives, they won't be compensated as much as if they had met their objectives. If they work hard and exceed their objectives, they will be financially rewarded for the effort; and if they perform extremely well and clearly exceed the objectives, they will receive, or rather have EARNED, a proportionately large pay increase to reward their behavior.

Employee Performance Review is designed to measure performance against a standard so that the quantity and quality of job performance can be reliably determined. It serves as the vehicle for determining merit pay increases.

How To Make A Merit System Motivating

Employees must be aware of the system; that their work performance can earn them additional rewards. They must believe that it is realistically possible for them to earn the rewards. They must believe the system is fair; how much extra they earn needs to be worth the extra performance they "put out." As a result of informing employees of the connection between their job performance and available rewards, they:

o Develop a "winning" mental attitude.

o Set their own high performance goals.

o Increase their performance level.

In order to produce "highly motivated" employees, it is extremely important to pay attention and to actively play a part in influencing rewards for employee's performance. As manager, you have control over these consequences.

Although financial compensation is the primary reward, you are making a serious mistake if you believe that this is the only reward that is important to an employee. Money is not a dependable motivator. In fact, it is true that:

o For some individuals, money is not motivating.

o When employees have the inaccurate perception that only small merit increases are available, money loses its power to motivate.

o Money may motivate just before performance appraisal time, but it can also have no effect on performance the prior eleven months.

In contrast to money, all of the following rewards for performance are extremely dependable:

o Sense of Achievement Recognition of a "Job Well Done"

o Greater Responsibility

o Advancement/Promotion

o Increase Status in Eyes of Others

o Personal Growth

o Appreciation/Thanks by Manager

Any of these can be used in addition to money to reward performance. Each of these rewards can be delivered by you, the manager, in less than 30 seconds. And, they have the advantage over merit increase of being available every day. They cost you nothing-they give you a powerful tool to increase other's motivation.

All it takes is a statement like:

"Joe, you should feel really proud over obtaining a sales volume like you did this week." (Sense of Achievement)

"Sally, I noticed that you did an excellent job helping customers today, especially since you were covering more than one area." (Recognition of a Job Well Done)

"Bob, you have done so well with the routine duties, I think you're capable of handling some responsibilities of a larger nature. How would you feel about becoming responsible for .... ?" (Greater Responsibility)

"Lisa, even though your performance appraisal is more than 5 months away, I want to tell you that you're accomplishing so many things that I'm considering some type of promotion for you, if you keep this up." (Advancement/Promotion)

"I want to announce to everybody at this meeting that Tom has been doing an outstanding job and is a top-notch worker." (Increase Status in Eyes of Others)

"Jane, since you've started, you have really learned the relationship of mark-up to gross margin." (Personal Growth)

"Gary, I really appreciate you doing this. Thanks a lot." (Appreciation/Thanks by Manager)

Motivation of people will be seriously affected, if the consequences of performing is punishing or "makes no difference." When an employee who is working the best they can receives penalties, insults, humiliation, boredom, or frustration, he or she will begin to avoid doing the work and will quickly demonstrate "poor motivation." Few people seek out painful experiences. Thus, if you know that an employee is not working "up to par," explore whether the employee received a negative reaction for doing so. Ask yourself, "is there a negative consequence for doing a good job?"


Motivation is a complex issue. Rather than attempting to investigate motivation in its complexity, this basic management skill training reviewed six common motivational factors which make the difference between employees who are motivated and employees who exhibit motivational problems.

In reality, high levels of motivation are produced by a combination and interaction of these six factors, not by any one factor acting alone.

"Motivated employees" selected for the job will be easier to train; more receptive to communication and feedback; more interested in their work assignments; and more effective performers who will merit reward.

Employees "trained for success" will learn to communicate better; use feedback constructively; and perform their work assignments more efficiently which may increase their interest. All of this in turn, may result in a high level of performance that would merit reward.

Clear communication and goal setting goes hand-in-hand with the objective setting procedures of performance appraisal; aids the learning of new, more interesting, work assignments; and promotes goal attainment which is rewarded.

Appraisal and feedback can bring out the employee's feelings and interest in the work assignment and serve to reward behavior which merits reward.

Assigning "motivating work assignments" enables the employee to meet his interests and needs which will usually result in quality work that merits reward.

Motivated employees will work more effectively in their jobs and do more to further the bottom-line objectives of a company than unmotivated employees. There are six important and necessary factors that need to be considered in improving an employee's motivation to perform. By using the theory and recommendations presented in this article, you can be confident that you will be able to successfully motivate your employees. In addition, you will be incorporating a valuable skill into your managerial repertoire.

Remember, in order to motivate others, you must be Motivated yourself! Have fun, make a ripple...

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Chuck Ainsworth, aka The Origami Warrior is a visionary writer who enjoys learning new topics and putting them into easy to understand terms. He brings 30 plus years of Senior Management experience and provides the insights needed to help others reach peak performance by improving their basic Management and Leadership Skills. He currently writes about topics he loves that include: Origami, Origami Warrior Wisdom, Motivation, Training, Management Skills Development, Leadership, Life Lessons, Core Values, Internet Marketing, Social Media, Life After Death - How To Overcome Life Changing Events and more. A published author who loves family, pets, community. While he has spent much of his life traveling, he now enjoys a much simpler life, living in his home town on a small quiet private lake with his family. Follow his Origami Warrior Wisdom daily quotes follow me at to get my tweets and be sure to check out other Life Lessons at:

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Motivation

Throughout the past couple of decades, many studies have been done regarding the physiological and psychological effects of motivation. Medical professionals and scientists that focus on the areas of neurology, biology, and similar branches of sciences have conducted these studies in an effort to assist individuals who suffer from the effects of low self-esteem, severe depression, and even extreme levels of anxiety. Throughout this article, we will explore the physiological and psychological effects of motivation.

The following was taken from an online report acquired from the ever-popular Psychology Online:

"Although our society is largely extrinsically-motivated by external rewards such as money, fame and power, research has indicated those who are intrinsically-motivated by inner desires for creativity, fulfillment and inner satisfaction are psychologically healthier and happier."

The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Motivation

This indicates, based on a number of studies, that we are not entirely driven by the motivation that is considered to be based on external achievements. In most situations, society drives individuals to seek the gratification of these particular types of rewards. Making more money, purchasing a new vehicle, owning a large home, and even achieving a high level of fame does not constitute happiness at all. Individuals who base their happiness in these types of external motivators often find themselves struggling with their self-confidence, and their general perception of life and their place in it.

Individuals who are driven by internal motivators, such as their basic level of creativity and the ability to develop themselves into the absolute best that they can be, are often more content with themselves, and their life in general. Psychologically, these individuals experience a higher level of self-esteem, and a lower level of depression, anxiety, and other types of mental complications. It has also been established by the conclusive studies that individuals who are content on a psychological level are healthier on a physiological level. Psychology experts consistently strive to prove the correlation between our physical health and our mental health. The study of motivation has led these professionals to believe that if someone does have motivation, not only will they be successful in life, but they can also combat stress, mental illness, and even physical illness.

The Power of Motivation

Motivation is a powerful, moving force that we all have to some degree. We put motivation to work for us on a daily basis. It is a key essential to basic survival - psychologically and physiologically. Motivation is the impulse, obsession, or pure desire to achieve specific goals in our life. In order for motivation to be effective in our lives, the energy that each of us has must work together in an effort to put the power behind the motivation. Motivation moves us - it strengthens us - it puts us exactly where we want and need to be in life. If the motivation that we experience is positive, we are able to optimize our physical and mental health in general.

Individuals who lack enough or the right type of motivation often experience a number of complications in their life. These may complications may include negative emotions, lack of self-worth, frustration, discontentment with life, and even depression. In addition to this, physical symptoms and issues such as an elevation in blood pressure stress on the body, and even ulcers may be effects that linger around the unmotivated individual. If you want to optimize your health, it is important to understand the role of motivation when it comes to physiological and psychological aspects of who we are.

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Friday, December 14, 2012

Motivation - Pushing You Towards Your Goals

Being successful in life is not as easy as some people think it is. Success comes from your efforts and what you grow to BECOME from the invisible force that is pushing you towards success. So what is the unseen power that drives people to accomplish certain tasks and realize specific aspirations in life? The answer is daily motivation.

Daily Motivation is the invisible force, the unseen power behind every individual's attempt for self-improvement. Not many people can achieve success in the short term. Some may need few weeks, few months or even few years to achieve what they desire. The most important thing here to be successful is constant self-improvement. You need to have a high enthusiasm and always look for opportunity to develop yourself further in everything you do. This is where daily motivation plays an important role to drive you to become a better person day by day to reach for something that would make you triumphant in life.

So, how to get motivated? Motivation may come from the people around you -from your family, friends and colleagues at work... from people of long time ago who lived a colorful past but because of their works and writings left indelible impressions on present-day individuals. More so, motivation could even spring out from the very depths of your spirit.

Motivation - Pushing You Towards Your Goals

Besides that, motivational camps and talks are helpful to inspire you in achieving success. So are daily motivation websites and books. There are people who will share their past experiences and some useful tips for you to be successful. You must know that pursuing success does not solely depend on how much effort you put in but also how great is the desire to meet your objective. Therefore, daily motivation is essential to boost up your self confidence to continue striving towards success. A motivated person will always think positively and act accordingly in everything they do.

You must never lose sight of your goal or WHY you want to achieve that goal. See it, feel it, taste it, smell it, and act it out, to make the dream your daily reality in your mind first, then your actual life will catch up and motivate you to achieve your goals in real life.

Successful people, those that enjoy an amazing quality of life and seem to attract the things they want, are different from unsuccessful, unhappy people. They think differently, act differently, and play by an entirely different set of rules from the rest.

They get what they want because they have learned the daily motivational self improvement secrets. Only a handful of individuals actually achieve their dreams and goals, meaning only a handful know the answer everyone is looking for. To ensure that you will live the life of a winner, make sure you get the inspiration and motivation training and support to design and achieve the life of your dreams!

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom

There is as much controversy about the effects of motivation in the classroom as there is diversity of today's students. However, there can be no doubt that intrinsic motivation can help determine the path of a student's future and has an extremely encouraging consequence on the achievement of that student.

The definition of intrinsic motivation here is the motivation in the classroom of an individual to take part in activities that actually increase that person's concept of themselves. Simply put, a person will do something just because it is enjoyable and interesting for them to do it, and for no other purpose. There are certain factors that encourage intrinsic motivation, and these include challenge, curiosity, control, fantasy, competition, cooperation and recognition.

Studying, for example, should be intrinsically rewarding. However, it is believed that is most often not the case with students, making it one of the most common malfunctions of the education process. Studying can be, and often is, extrinsically rewarding; meaning that studying results in getting a better grade, or in not being penalized for not studying. Students who take a personal interest in their own forward motion educationally speaking are able to retain information and show more interest in taking that information to the next step; showing a benefit to motivation in the classroom.

Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom

In the simplest terms, intrinsic motivation in the classroom is what students will do to achieve without any type of external persuasion. For years, researchers and psychologists have been studying this type of motivation. A few theories by different researchers have determined that students are more likely to be intrinsically motivated if the following situations exist:

1) The student can directly associate the educational result to the work they have invested into it.
2) The student believes they are the reason they have achieved their result, and not just luck.
3) The student truly has an interest in learning and perfecting the task.

The long term benefits of instilling intrinsic motivation in the classroom carries far into a student's life. Employers, for example, are more impressed by a job applicant whose interest in the job at hand is to increase knowledge and opportunity to train (intrinsic) than those who are interested in the pay and benefits (extrinsic). Even personal relationships carry this trait; those interested in a relationship because they seek mutual happiness rather than only what they will receive from the association will likely have much more success in their relationship.

Encouraging the development of intrinsic motivation in the classroom can increase the feelings of self-worth and self-accomplishment in students. These are valuable assets for the students to carry with them throughout life, applicable in most any situation. They are also traits that describe a successful and high achieving individual.

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Motivation in the Workplace in 5 Easy Steps

How does management achieve motivation in the workplace in today's society? It is a great question, because a motivational workplace is a successful one. Without motivation the end result is poor quality in the workplace.

Some issues to consider when achieving motivation in the workplace are listed below. Every workplace has different situations. Not all rules will apply for unrelated settings. The corporate office will have different factors to consider than a factory, or a construction site. They are all going to be a little different.

The one thing that will remain the same is human nature, and how we react to different situations. Here are five common factors you can manage:

Motivation in the Workplace in 5 Easy Steps

1. Different types of personalities

This is one of the biggest issues to consider. One thing that needs to be considered is that people are all different. We all have different personality traits and quirks.

We are all not going to get along well every day, stuck in an office, kitchen, truck or factory together. It just isn't possible. It is not the way we are made. What one person may think of as constructive criticism, another may find as being bossy.

One person may think that they are being productive and the person next to them may think they are being lazy. It is just the way people think differently. Management's job is to see that the job is completed, through the employee.

To do this, they must be able to understand the differences in people and learn how to deal with these issues. They need to learn to be diplomatic in these situations and keep everyone running smoothly.

2. Rewards

The key to motivation is goals. So if motivation in the workplace is desired, then rewards for the employees are a must. They need to be motivated into doing a great job.

Whether it be promotions, bonuses or just simple words of affirmation, they deserve that for a job well done.

3. Working environment

The workplace needs to be a fun and enjoyable place. A person spends 7-10 hours on the average per day at this place. If it isn't a fun, and comfortable place to be, then workplace motivation can't be achieved.

People can work, socialize and laugh at the same time! It can be done.

4. Independency

Employees need to be able to think on their own. No one wants to be told what to do and when and how to do it every minute of the day. The employee needs to know what the expectations are and be allowed to do it.

They will take pride in it if it is their idea and their way of doing things. There is usually more than one way to accomplish the same thing.

5. Room for error

So many times in the workplace management does not plan for errors. Then when they happen, no one knows what to do to correct them. It is management's job to make a plan B just in case something goes wrong. And it does!

Motivation in the workplace takes time and patience as the manager or boss. With these simple tips, it can be achieved and a more productive workplace can be found.

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Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report that reveals how to crush procrastination and sustain lasting motivation. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at: motivation techniques

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