Sunday, September 2, 2012

Positive Motivation

There are two ways that people are motivated. Positive motivation and negative motivation. Negative motivation is motivation that takes place because people are afraid of the consequences if they do not act or the if they do something that would cause them anguish or guilt then they would be negatively motivated not to do something. Negative motivation is good if you see an alligator and react to get out of its way. Negative motivation should not be used to get a group of people or a person to do something. If this happens in a work environment on a regular basis it causes poor morale, high employee turnover, and sometimes even retaliation by the employees in the form of theft or destruction of property. Negative motivation is not a way that will motivate any group of people for a long period of time.

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Positive motivations on the other hand are factors that motivate people to do something out of reward, congratulations, feelings of acceptance, and adherence to values. During periods of positive motivation at a work environment, people are more likely to work longer, work for less money, work under harder conditions just because they feel appreciated and happier. Positive motivation works just the opposite from it's negative counterpart in that it retains employees, keeps morale high, and as a side benefit happy employees make for happy customers. After all would you rather eat at a restaurant for example where the employees are happy or where the employees appear stressed and agitated.

Therefore while negative motivation is a good thing on very rare occasions, such as the alligator sighting it is not very useful in everyday life. Positive motivation should be the reason to do just about everything. You give because it makes you feel good, you eat because it taste good and makes you feel satisfied, you smile because you enjoy life. Try being only positive for just one day. Block out all negative emotions and feelings. Avoid people and situations that cause you stress. After the day is over, you will feel so good that you may even try it for a second day and then a third. Being positive and using positive motivation will change your life for the better.

Positive Motivation
Positive Motivation


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