Tuesday, August 28, 2012

3 Main Components of Motivation

There has been a lot written about motivation. Indeed, I have created a book about it. Interestingly, even though I have written other books, the one about motivation seems to be the one that people like or need the most.

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What is it about motivation that we find so hard? I would guess the most difficult part is that we have to keep it up, preferably at all times. When we go to the gym, we do our workout and then it is done. When we have to finish a project for work, again, we work on it for a certain period of time and then it is over; delivered, finished.

Motivation is a different cookie, though. We need it to be there when it is time to go to the gym, we need it to be there when we have to finish the project, and we need it to be there when our children still can't spell "electricity", after practicing for weeks. In my view, that always-needed presence of motivation is the reason people are so interested in having it.

3 Main Components of Motivation

The 3 main components of motivation are:
1.) Direction
2.) Effort
3.) Persistence

Out of these 3 components, persistence is perhaps the one people struggle with the most. Usually, when we decide on something, we have our direction; we know where we want to go. Effort is individual and for a certain period of time we are prepared to really give it our all. However, after a while even the most motivated of us start to feel less enthusiastic and often, in the end, we give up, especially if things don't happen fast enough.

This is when the role of persistence is so important. Those who keep going after their goal or desire are usually those who, in the end, achieve it. The road to it might have been uphill but the victory is so much sweeter as a result. Consider this next time you are about to give up your efforts - the results might be just round the corner. It would be a pity to leave them there and not reach out for them. With a bit of good old persistence, you can do it without too much hassle.

3 Main Components of Motivation

Natalie Ekberg is an international personal and executive coach and offers self-improving, motivational and coaching e-courses and e-books as well as face-to-face and telephone coaching.


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Sunday, August 12, 2012

How To Use Your Skills

Everyone has a God given ability or skill that can be used to inspire and motivate others. A skill is defined by Dictionary.com as an ability to use one's knowledge effectively in doing something. In Thessalonians 4:11-12, a foundation is given for "How To Use Your Skills", The scripture says "And that ye study to be quiet, and do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we command you; That you may walk honestly toward that are without, and that you may have lack for nothing."

In order to know "How To Use Your Skills" you must know what your skills are, become an expert at what you do, network with others and use your skills to achieve dreams.


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Is there something that you are good at or just like to do? The answer to this question can open up your life to many opportunities that may not have already come your way. I like to give speeches and write daily quotes.

How To Use Your Skills

Once you realize what you are good at, then it is time for you to capitalize on your efforts. You can be known as an expert in your industry by writing books, articles, columns and newsletters. Everything you do will develop your talents and increase your chances to succeed.

For example my father in law is a trained carpenter where he uses his talents to fix doors, and build houses while making sure people live in a comfortable environment. You can have a natural or trained ability that can lead you to start businesses, build careers or change lives.

You are reading this article because of networking. I was on-line networking while reading Robert Lee's profile. I saw that he was a Director of Events. I sent him a message and we began to discuss opportunities on how we could work together in the future. After trading contact information one of the results was an opportunity to speak at an event he put together.

No matter where you come from there is an opportunity inside you that is waiting to come out. Find out what you can do and become great at it. On your way to the top don't forget about others who can also benefit from networking with you.

We all have the skills to pay the bills. I hope you figure out "How To Use Your Skills" because my slogan is "Use Your Skills or Someone Else Will".

How To Use Your Skills

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Five Basic Needs, Motivation and Visualization

Do you know what human being need so that we can be alive? What motivate us most? Why do we do a certain thing? What are the key elements that move us toward the things we want? We will understand this more when we learn about human basic needs.

The most known theory on the needs of human being is perhaps the theory laid out by Abraham Harold Maslow, 1908-1970, American psychologist and philosopher. His needs hierarchy theory is known under the name of self-actualization theory of psychology. The theory opened the new era of psychotherapy. The theory strongly suggests that the goal of psychotherapy should be the integration of the "self".


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According to Encyclopedia Britanica, Maslow studied psychology at the University of Wisconsin and Gestalt psychology at the New School for Social Research in New York City. He later joined the faculty of Brooklyn College in 1937. In 1951 he became head of the psychology department at Brandeis University (Waltham, Massachusetts), where he remained until 1969. Influenced by existentialist philosophers and literary figures, Maslow was an important contributor in the United States to humanistic psychology, which is sometimes called the "third force."

Five Basic Needs, Motivation and Visualization

Maslow argued on his work "Motivation and Personality" that each person has a hierarchy of needs that must be satisfied. The needs include physiological needs, safety needs, needs for love, needs for self esteem and needs for self actualization. All five needs can be explained as follows:

1 Physiological need: Man needs foods, shelter, sex, heat, water, air, and cloth. These basic elements are commonly known to be essential for being alive. There will be no progress in other areas of life if these needs have not yet to be fulfilled.

2 Safety need: Human being wants security in life. He wants to be safe from all dangers and want to make sure that he can carry on our life without any uncertainty.

3 Love and relationship need: Man wants to be loved and want to be related to others. We can not live alone and need to be recognized by our love ones. The need for love is so strong that it is the major mold of character in the childhood and it is the major ingredient that shape human life in psychological theory.

4 Self esteem need: This level of needs is understood to be for inner fulfillment. Man wants to know that he is important. Besides he wants to feel that sense of importance through himself. This is why it is called "Self esteem".

5 Self actualization need: The highest level of needs requires human being to understand himself and see the value in his self. He tries to find himself through religion and his spiritual guidance. This is the area that is most meaningful in human being's life.

The first two levels are more on the physical side. The later three are more on the emotional value. As each need is satisfied, the next higher level in the emotional hierarchy dominates conscious functioning. Maslow believed that truly healthy people were self-actualizers because they satisfied the highest psychological needs, fully integrating the components of their personality. The area can have the strongest force of motivation if used correctly. Understanding the need hierarchy can help us know how to use the right motivation techniques to ourselves and to others.

Motivation is a complex topic that spans virtually all areas of psychology. No one theory is capable of explaining all that we know about motivational processes. Some motives such as hunger, thirst, and sexual activity seem best understood from a biological viewpoint. Other motives appear to be learned, and such motives help to account for the diversity and complexity of human activities. Still other motives are influenced by the cognitive processes in which we engage. Our interpretation of the events around us influences our future motivations.

Visualize ourselves fulfills all above needs will enable us to be closer to what we want in life. This will attract the circumstance and attributes we need. Visualization will make our achievement more possible and a lot easier according to the law of attraction.

Five Basic Needs, Motivation and Visualization

Jim Somchai Managing Director of JimSomchai Company. He devotes his time in studying success and has been interested in the works of many personal development leaders.


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